I received the following comment with questions just this past week, which I desire to publicly respond to:
“Something has been on my mind that I would like to address. It has nothing to do with this website, but I think it has been on some people’s mind.
Denver has repeatedly said that he will not start a new Church, be a strongman, etc…But how limited is that? I am aware, at least with my current understanding, that there needs to be a High Priest/Teacher after the Ancient Order through whom a covenant can be made between God and man, whereby we can receive adoption rites. (Correct me if I am wrong. I am paraphrasing Denver’s teaching on Alma 13: 14 and his interview with Tim Malone).
He has also stated we need to organize ourselves – which to me means we need practical experience and accept the responsibility which we have to rise up and know the Lord ourselves and be led by His Holy Spirit.
It seems many are organizing into small communities to do this. But, Denver has also stated that this cannot be rushed.
So, do you have any advice/knowledge about how and if we are to wait upon Denver to give us further direction? For example, if we should wait to assemble as a consecrated community and continue to prepare ourselves where we currently are?”
End of comment.
Everything following this is my answer to the above query. I would like to emphasize that I do not attempt to speak for Denver. For that you will have to go to the “prophetsclearinghouse.” ~:-)~ Most of what is below is of me, and is said regardless of whether Denver said it or not. I made no effort to find quotes by Denver that would substantiate any of what I said below.
And, furthermore,
I claim no great accomplishment (yet) in doing what I say, if it sounds like an admonition. In fact, I’ve already had a witness of the Spirit in the writing of this that I don’t meet many of the requirements I have written about. So I guess we’ll just have to rely on the Holy Spirit as to whether it’s all true, or not.
Brother R,
Good observations.
Denver said in the [7th & 10th] talks in Grand Junction Colorado and Mesa Arizona, that if you want an education like none other then join or form a fellowship, and pay your tithing among yourselves and help the poor among you. To think that a person is going to walk into Zion unprepared or unschooled in the principles required to exist in such a community is absurd. Zion is not the school, but the place to receive those that have prepared themselves to live in such a place. It is also not the place for the person that rises up to become the leader of his/her fellows, but is the place for those who have developed the ability to be the servant of all.
In this life there are kings and queens and priests and priestesses plenty. What there is a dearth of are those who are willing to carry the load, and will go the 2nd mile when they are required to only go one. Or those who will turn the other cheek to be smitten instead of retaliating. It is the place for those who know they have the physical prowess [if necessary] and/or the argument to win in most any situation, but will always use only persuasion with meekness, love unfeigned, and gentleness in doing so. It requires one to be a whole lot like his/her Lord, Jesus Christ.
What the Lord needs for Zion and also right now in these fellowships of instruction, is one who can “organize himself.” We do not need another institution with an organized hierarchy, and a book full of rules, but “one” who can control himself, and love others as himself. You become that person and watch and see how people will flock to you as their leader. Then it will be your requirement to learn how to handle that imposition without becoming prideful and a strong man.
The Lord needs you to be the one who could be the teacher/priest after The Ancient Order, because you have studied the scriptures, already given, thoroughly enough, and have a close enough relationship with the Savior that you can draw down from Him your own covenant that He trusts you enough to call you Son, and make you part of His family. He needs a man/woman who’s heart is like His own. That is what you will find in Zion.
These fellowships, of which there are now dozens, are not going to walk or be taken by angels into Zion en mass. They are, however, a necessary schooling device wherein a few might rise up, and become capable of living in Zion. And, there is already an existing commandment from God to associate in fellowship with our brothers and sisters. And with our enemies. And with the obnoxious. And with the little kids that run around and make noise. And, for heaven’s sake, with all those “needy” people. This is the school! And the success we make of it [or not] is all dependent on the individual, and whether his heart is right with God.
And furthermore, there is a requirement to be baptized (again) as a result from, and a commitment to, these things, and of coming to understand and remember the “Doctrine of Christ,” which then becomes the gate to that strait and narrow path God requires each of us to walk, hand in hand with Him; doing all things which His Holy Spirit directs of us, until He says to you, “My Son/daughter thou shalt have eternal life. (See D&C 131: 5-6.)
And I think that just as there is God’s requirement upon us to be baptized, there is a requirement upon us to also baptize, if we can. And outside of one’s own immediate family, the man that does this is required to have a certificate that certifies his worthiness, and is a blessing from the women in his fellowship. The signatures of seven women are required now, by an edict from the Lord, for a man to function in any priesthood outside of his immediate familial boundaries; with his own wife’s signature being the first.
So how can any of us consider ourselves candidates for Zion if we can’t meet these current requirements among ourselves in our fellowships, which usually begins with our just showing up.
This requires nothing of us about waiting upon Denver. It does however, require us to be up and about, doing the things God has already said we must do, through this man, in his capacity as “servant of the Lord.”
God bless you brother in your efforts and your desires to be about doing this work the Lord has commanded of us.
Central Recorder