Deadline for baptisms


It is time to see to it that all baptisms or re-baptisms first performed according to the Doctrine of Christ for the calendar year of 2016 are sent to us. As of July 9, 2017 the names we have received for 2016 will be hand-written in the archival temple book. The requirement upon us is that the names be entered into this book in alphabetical order, meaning that any names sent after this above date will not be entered into the main body of the alphabetically listed names, but will be put in an addendum established to record names which have been sent in late.

Please keep in mind this is a handwritten record done in non-erasable archival ink on archival paper. The ink and the paper bond. It is necessary for us to establish a deadline for inclusion in order for us to then collate according to the alphabet, and begin the handwriting process.

Please also remember we only record your name once. If you have sent us your name for a baptism done in a previous year do not re-send it to us. However, if you are not sure it has been sent, please, by all means, send it to us.

Keith Henderson
Central Recorder

Restoration Scriptures Announcement

March 18, 2017

Although what is to be announced may be viewed by most people as a modest achievement, I think history will eventually reflect this as one of the greatest steps forward after the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum.

What I’m about to announce will generate a considerable number of questions. To reasonably manage them, we’ve set up an email address where you can send your questions & suggestions. That address is: RESTORATIONSCRIPTURES2017@GMAIL.COM. Your questions will be reviewed this evening, and then tomorrow, a number of the major questions will be answered in front of this body. Any that aren’t answered immediately will be replied to after the conference ends.

One of the first ways a dispensation becomes corrupted is by compromising the scriptures used by believers in that dispensation. Therefore when a new dispensation begins, one of the first orders of business for believers is to adopt a new set of scriptures which restore, insofar as it is possible, a correct version of the material they regard as scripture.
Just like the saints of the New Testament adopted a new body of teachings, the Book of Mormon people preserved and added to sacred writings. And while Joseph Smith lived, there were both corrections to old scripture and new scripture was added. Likewise for us, there is a need to remove errors, correct texts, and add to the body of scripture to guide us. This assembly – that is, this worldwide body of believers – must also decide what we accept as scripture. It is our right and sacred responsibility to address this need.

To that end, a new edition of the scriptures is proposed. They are divided into three volumes that have been produced through a unified effort by two independent bodies of volunteers, separately driven to approach the scriptures anew.
Initially the members of these two groups felt individually inspired to revisit the scriptures in an effort to prune away some of the uninspired alterations of man so that they might have a more correct version of scripture for their study. Over time, these individuals were led to one another, combining and harmonizing their efforts. What began as two wholly separate groups, each forming at the same time, both unknown to one another, resulted in separate projects that were completed at the same time, and what was learned from their independent efforts identified issues that needed to be addressed.
On the last day of 2016, less than 2 weeks after discovering each other, these two groups held a meeting, facilitated by Denver Snuffer, and determined to unify their efforts, each bringing to the table differing components for a greater outcome than either project possessed alone. On the first day of the new year, the two became one as work began, preparing what would become this Restoration Edition of the scriptures.

Moving forward, the united team has worked closely with each other, with the Lord, and with His servant, to produce a more accurate record that is true to the Lord’s intent and to the Restoration. We are on His errand, not our own.

In September 1832, the Saints were condemned by the Lord and commanded to “repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written.”
We often see this as the Lord rebuking the Saints for failing to do according to that which He had written, yet assume that the Saints had been correctly saying what He had written. But the Saints did not say, and have failed to accurately preserve, what the revelations God provided to them said, because their texts became corrupted. This means that the first step towards emerging from condemnation is to try and do exactly what is being accomplished through this scriptural work now underway. While the full purpose of this project was initially unknown, it has begun a best effort to “repent and remember the new covenant.” If done right, we will at least accomplish the first step: recovering what the Lord provided so we can “say” what He has revealed. Then the challenges increase as we are called upon “to do according to that” which God has revealed.

A future conference must then be held with the intent of approving the final content of the Restoration Edition and sustaining that edition as canon for this assembly.

The following is a summary of what is contained in this Restoration Edition of the scriptures:

Verse numbers have been eliminated and the text has been formatted into paragraphs. This provides greater context for individual passages and removes the isolation of a statement that is caused by restricting it to a verse. The only exception to individual numbering is in Proverbs where each proverb has been numbered.
The chapters have been regrouped based on contextual themes rather than staying as they have existed historically. Our team recognized that since chapters were originally organized by man and not by God, we were free to reorganize them. Some paragraphs in some of the books have been combined or divided as well, based on their context. However, in the Book of Mormon, chapters were designated by Joseph Smith himself and those have been preserved.
Very minor standardization and spelling correction has taken place. Care was taken to respect the text.
Punctuation can clarify, but it can also restrict. Therefore punctuation has been significantly reduced in all of the volumes in order to free up the text for greater possible interpretation.


Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible (the JST) is the base text.
The Song of Solomon had been removed since Joseph indicated that it is not an inspired text.
Proverbs now includes Proverbs of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Proverbs of Denver Snuffer, Jr.

In a letter to the “brethren in Zion” on 21 April, 1833, Joseph Smith stated, “…it is not the will of the Lord to print any of the new translation in the Star, but when it is published it will all go to the world together in a volume by itself, and the New Testament and The Book of Mormon will be printed together.”
Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible is the base text for the New Testament.
The 1840 edition of The Book of Mormon is used as the base text and was already formatted into paragraphs. This version was chosen because it contains corrections given by Joseph Smith to what was originally published in 1830 and 1837.

The new D&C returns the Lectures on Faith to its original place, along with those sections and revelations identified as coming through Joseph Smith. These have been painstakingly compared to the manuscripts found in the Joseph Smith Papers Project:
The order of the sections has been restored to thematic groupings rather than simply being presented chronologically. These groupings are: Restoration, Organization and Worship, and Revelations to Individuals.
Several LDS sections have been removed for the following reasons:
Sections 2 & 13 are extracts from JS-History and are therefore redundant.
Section 20 was written by Oliver Cowdery and constitutes church articles and covenants used to begin to structure the early church organization. They no longer apply.
Section 101 on Marriage, from the original 1835 Kirtland Edition, is not being reintroduced because it is not a product of either Joseph or Hyrum. However, pertinent points are included in another area.
Section 110 is completely unverifiable as a true revelation/vision. The three individuals with some information about the section, Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery and Warren Cowdery, left no statement or explanation about Section 110. Further, in listing those who visited with them in their respective testimonies, neither Joseph Smith nor Oliver Cowdery mention Elijah as having come. Finally throughout the Nauvoo time frame, including a month before his death, Joseph Smith spoke of Elijah’s return as a future and not a past event.
Section 129 was a struggle. Initially it was revised by taking the shorthand notes from Joseph Smith’s journal and fleshing them out with bridge words and phrases to make them into comprehensible sentences. However, once attempted, that effort was abandoned and the section was completely removed for the following reasons:
The shorthand is just sketchy enough that some of the bridge wording is clearly debatable.
The instruction we have through the Book of Mormon is sufficient on its own to allow us to discern evil spirits.
This section, if relied upon alone, is apparently not sufficient to defend against lying spirits.
Section 134 is a declaration on laws & government written by either Oliver Cowdery or Sidney Rigdon, not Joseph Smith.
Section 135 is simply the announcement of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum.
Section 136 is from Brigham Young.
Section 138, Joseph F. Smith’s vision of the dead, is restricted by copyright and cannot be used.
Official Declarations 1 & 2 are declarations made by a different church.

Several LDS sections have been revised for the following reasons:
Section 107 was an amalgamation of content, with only one portion traceable to a revelation before the 1835 publication of the D&C. That portion has been preserved. The 1835 published version bears hallmarks of revisions by the hand of man. Therefore only a portion has been extracted, and then added to by revelation, to explain the establishment of dispensations and reflect the direction of this current dispensation. It is placed as the last section in the new D&C.
Sections 121, 122 and123 came from a letter written from Liberty Jail and are presented within the context of the entire letter written by Joseph Smith.
Section 132 on celestial marriage is now represented as it is posted by Denver Snuffer on his blog, containing the redactions suggested there to make the document internally consistent and reflect the earliest descriptions of the original.

More than 40 new sections have been added for the following reasons:
Nearly all of these new sections are verified revelations given through Joseph Smith that simply were never sustained as scripture.
Restoration Edition Section 98 is President Hyrum Smith’s epistle to the church.

The new D&C also includes an insert in the Appendix called A PROPHET’S PREROGATIVE, an example of an extremely valuable method of comparative study that can significantly help your understanding. The example used is Isaiah 29, and includes an introductory explanation.

The Pearl of Great Price – has had its name changed to Pearls of Great Price, reflecting and implying further expansion, and the following portions have been removed, revised or added for the following reasons:
(A Proposed Set of) Governing Principles is a rewritten statement of principles and practices – similar to LDS Section 20 – that reflects this assembly’s efforts to preserve the Restoration. This statement is not yet completed. It requires additional inspired input from you.
The Articles of Faith have been replaced by The Wentworth Letter that they were copied from, in order to provide context to those articles.
Joseph Smith – History has been slightly expanded to the same extent as it was originally published in the Times and Seasons.
The Book of Moses and Joseph Smith – Matthew have been removed because they already exist in the New Translation of the Bible and are redundant.
The Book of Abraham remains as is.
The Revelation of the Testimony of St. John – as given through Denver Snuffer, Jr. – has been added. It will not replace the existing Testimony of St. John found in the New Testament, but will stand as it’s own book.
Continuing Revelation – is a section which consists of visions and revelations given through Denver Snuffer, Jr. to be made public. This portion of the Pearls of Great Price is expected to be the place where new revelation will be added as it is received, which, you will see, has already happened.
A Glossary of Fundamental Terms is at the end of the final volume. Currently it’s blank, except for a single sample definition. We encourage all of you to consider emailing us terms for the glossary using the following criteria:
The definition must be scriptural, not your opinion.
The terms need to be those that are critical to seeing things correctly. LDS and Christian culture have so skewed many religious terms as to render them not just wrong, but spiritually dangerous in that they point people in the wrong direction. This will not become a “bible dictionary,” but is an attempt to explain words as the Lord has intended, not “Gospel speak” or Mormonese.

Given that this body must declare to the Lord what records they intend to hold sacred, a Preview copy of these volumes of the Restoration Edition are available as of right now for download, in PDF, ebook and other requested formats, from, an online library that has been established for materials pertinent to the Restoration. There are a number of interesting tools and features that have been developed for this site, but now is not the time to go into them. However, I will say that is specifically built with tools to aid in comparative study. That’s why the Isaiah 29 example is at the back of the D&C – to kickstart you. So take a tour of that important site on your own. Those of you who may have content pertinent to the scriptures that you wish to contribute, those of you who are looking for research material or tools, and those of you who are just curious, be sure to visit the ABOUT page on that site for direction.

A hard copy of each volume is already available for purchase on and Amazon Europe. Search Restoration Scriptures Preview or the title of each work and you should find Vol. 1, 2 and 3. This copy is NOT formatted completely – it still has minor flaws in it. In fact, if you are happy to use the electronic copies that are available, you may want to wait until the scriptures have been sustained and scrubbed before buying a copy, as they may change. A final version will be produced that incorporates any changes sustained by this assembly and has been scrubbed of formatting errors.
Additionally, since Amazon won’t allow us to sell the copies at cost, the minimal royalties from the copies sold will be donated to the temple fund.

A quick side note: The reason the Creative Commons copyright for these scriptures is in my name is only because I am acting as the public face of this project. There are dozens of people that have contributed to it besides me.

A Research version of these scriptures is partially completed and available for download on as well. Unlike the printed scriptures, this Research version will remain in electronic form – at least for now – and will differ in the following ways from the print copies:
Though retaining the new chapter groupings, all of the books have LDS chapter and verse numbers inserted to allow for easier research and for comparison with other versions of scripture.
The JST and D&C include both strikethroughs and additions visible in their original manuscripts.
The Book of Mormon footnotes all significant changes from the editions that were published during Joseph Smith’s lifetime. Any editions after his death were not approved by him and therefore have been ignored.
Items removed from the printed copy can be preserved in this copy for research purposes, including, for example, section 129.
Items of historical or educational significance deemed helpful may be added to this version. Recognize that the Research version is intended to expand details of the sustained scriptures, not supplant them.

We do have plans for a fancier set of scriptures being produced with bible stock paper, leather or faux leather covers, and so forth. That process is already underway, but anyone familiar with the process is invited to email us and lend a hand. I’m not sure of a time frame other than we’d like to have those available by the end of the year. But we won’t print any until after the sustaining conference.
For those who honestly can’t afford around $40 to purchase a set of these scriptures and can’t use electronic copies for now, if you have a local fellowship you meet with, ask them if they can provide you with a set. If they can’t meet your need, please use the email address given to request a set. We have several free sets available for the truly needy that are here at the conference. If there are those in need who could not attend, but would like a copy, please place a request at that same email address and a copy can be sent to you or your local fellowship.

THE NEXT CONFERENCE, which has been mentioned during this announcement, will be held in Boise, ID, Labor Day weekend, September 2-3, with the intent of approving the final content for the Restoration Edition of the scriptures and sustaining that edition as canon for this assembly. Today is the “open to public view” step of the process. Our team simply got the ball rolling. You will now have approximately 6 months to digest, critique and react to what the Lord has offered.

Please carefully consider what is being offered to us. Zion is the Lord’s work. So getting it will not depend on the goodness or desires of men and women, but on their submission to the Lord, who intends to accomplish it. WE can’t force it, cause it, bring it, or hope it into existence. What we can do is submit to the Lord in a way that encourages Him to continue to use us for His purposes. There is no need for an immediate, knee-jerk reaction to this announcement. You will have time to consider all of it before making a decision.

No sustaining or debate of the scriptures will take place during this conference. But your input is necessary and required. An email address has been provided specifically for that purpose. Please use RESTORATIONSCRIPTURES2017@GMAIL.COM to send in questions you have about what has been announced and provided. There likely won’t be enough time tomorrow to answer all the questions that get sent in, but any that aren’t addressed during tomorrow’s Q&A session will be replied to. But there’s no rush. If you have an immediate, burning question, please send it in quickly so that we have time this evening to prepare responses for tomorrow. Also, this same email address will be used over the next 6 months for additional questions and ongoing feedback in preparation for a sustaining conference. So if you don’t have a question or suggestion until June, you can still submit it and it will be addressed. But please refrain from pointing out formatting issues unless it is alarming. We will be combing through the books again to find them all.

If there’s a particular issue in these scriptures that is critical, in your opinion, email your concern and your reasoning to support your argument. It will be posted for others to view and consider. If you think that there is something else that belongs in this edition, feel free to email that suggestion as well. For example you might feel inspired about a principle that needs to be added to the Governing Principles statement. However, realize that what this edition now contains has been under the Lord’s direction for the past year and a half and He has provided, at times, direct input. And there is a rigorous set of questions to assist you in determining whether you should submit new material.

Questions, suggestions, criticism and requests get submitted to
From the end of the St. George conference until the 4th of July, a SUBMISSIONS list will be maintained on
The items on the list will come from emails submitted.
That document will list the specific items that have been pointed out as concerns to be removed, modified or added to the Restoration Edition. The points made by the submitter will also be given. Please be aware that your reasoning will be significantly refined if you submit a long explanation, so keep things brief. And make sure that what you submit is scriptural, not simply personal opinion.
If you have very strong feelings about any of the items on the list, email us and let us know. If you’re fine with what has been proposed today or if you don’t care one way or the other about the items on the list, don’t email us. Only those who are strongly opposed to an existing item or strongly in favor of adding or amending an item should email us during those first few months.
The SUBMISSIONS document will be updated as needed.
As of the 4th of July, a final SUBMISSIONS list will be posted which also includes the total number of emails for/against an item. We will then wipe the slate clean.
From then on, no new items will be added to the list.
People who are strongly advocating or opposing can again email their vote about the item(s).
That new voting period runs from the 4th of July to the end of August.
A final tally will then be taken.
If there is no significant number of emails in opposition of an existing item or advocating a missing item or amendment, that item will be dropped.
And if you email us 6 times, it still only counts as one vote for any item.

Benefits of this process are:
We are using simple, easy to reach technology. Anyone can go online to do this – even if they have to go to a library or a friend to do so. And this can be done from anywhere in the world.
By providing the reason why an item is listed, opposing voices get the chance to be heard and perhaps to persuade.
Doing 2 rounds of voting gives everyone the chance to be persuaded over time and therefore find confidence of their final decision.
Everyone gets an opportunity to be involved if they feel so inclined.

Remember that what is important is the message, not the messenger, so focus on the content of this gift, not how it’s delivered.
The most important lesson for our group was expressed in the course of our emailing back and forth. Someone said this: I would rather submit to the decision of the group than insist that my view be followed. For me harmony between brethren is more important than getting what I think best to be followed. I believe harmony can lead to much greater things than can merely enforcement of even a correct view. I know how difficult it is to have a correct view, because of how often I have been corrected by the Lord. Sometimes I am humiliated by my foolishness when the Lord reproves me. Humiliation can lead to humility, but my experience is that the humiliation is accompanied by shame, whereas humility can proceed with a clear conscience. My experience with others leads me to conclude that if we can have one heart first, eventually we can likewise come to have one mind. But if we insist on having one mind at the outset, we may never obtain one heart together.

So I make a request to all of you – from all of us: Kaai sent the team an email 3 weeks ago, just after we had submitted the final volume to our formatter. We had begun to consider this next step. So he wrote: One of the ways to hopefully mitigate the sheer volume of emails will be to encourage fellowships to meet together and come up with a consolidated list of questions/suggestions/ concerns/etc… If there are individuals not associated with a fellowship, then they’ll follow the standard process [on their own]. If they make it a matter of prayer and forethought, first as individuals, then families, then fellowships, and submit in that manner, we may be able to keep the volume manageable. It will allow fellowships to meet together for a directed purpose and importune the Lord for revelation. It will draw them closer together in the bonds of love as indicated in the General Principles preamble and make them accountable to each other for the questions raised. I think it also reinforces the manner in which the Lord would want us to approach any challenge or issue presented.

Please consider these points as you consider what you choose to advocate in the scriptures.

Given the experiences many have had with organized religion, it’s only natural for some people to have an aversion to “official” scriptures. But these volumes are not set in stone; rather, they are presented to you in the appropriate manner, and with sufficient time for the group’s collective review, critique, support, and, possible sustaining. The Lord deals with His people by covenant; accepting these scriptures as comprising the history, teachings, doctrine, and covenants of our faith represents another step in our collective journey towards having our hearts bound together. And this should remain a labor of love and devotion to God. Those involved in this work do not present these volumes with any other expectation than that we are to be called to answer to every principle advanced, and we hope and pray that this continued effort to preserve and honor the word of the Lord will be accepted by Him, and by you.

In closing, I’d like to read a journal entry from one of our team members from Feb 18th:

I checked the scripture email and saw that volume 2 had been formatted and is now ready to print. Upon opening the file and viewing the document I was filled with joy and with the Spirit and was given a prophecy by the spirit saying,

“These scriptures will go to all the world and teach every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, to bring in the children of Israel from the four corners of the earth.”

Two Items


It is time to see to it that all baptisms or re-baptisms first performed according to the Doctrine of Christ for the calendar year of 2015 are sent to us. As of July 1, 2016 the names we have received for 2015 will be hand-written in the archival temple book. The requirement upon us is that the names be entered into this book in alphabetical order, meaning that any names sent after this above date will not be entered into the main body of the alphabetically listed names, but will be put in an addendum established to record names which have been sent in late.

Please keep in mind this is a handwritten record done in non-erasable archival ink on archival paper. The ink and the paper bond. It is necessary for us to establish a deadline for inclusion in order for us to then collate according to the alphabet, and begin the handwriting process.

Please also remember we only record your name once. If you have sent us your name for a baptism done in a previous year do not re-send it to us. However, if you are not sure it has been sent, please, by all means, send it to us.

Keith Henderson
Central Recorder


I was baptized by my father when I turned eight just like the scriptures say I should have been. Why should I be re-baptized?


“There is coming distress. Those who believe Christ’s doctrine will need the required baptism to survive judgments to come. This is the only way to face Him when He comes again.” (Denver C. Snuffer, Preserving the Restoration. P. 521.)


It is indeed required in the scriptures to be baptized at eight years of age. This same scripture also tells us this baptism was done in regards to the “remission of sins.” (D&C 68: 27.) In other words, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all sins committed after baptism would fall under that wonderful atonement, and could, with repentance, be erased and considered payed for through the atoning sacrifice of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

It certainly is a requirement that we teach our little children about repentance and faith in Christ, the Son of the living God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to see to it they are baptized for the remission of sins when eight years of age. (See D&C 68: 25-27.) There is no age in a person’s life when the symbol of baptism more appropriately emulates and symbolizes our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, than in a little child at age eight. They stand on the razor’s edge of innocence and accountability. They have not the capability to sin, and no sin as yet can be charged to them, but now they have arrived at a period of accountability, for the things they do after will be theirs. It is the epitome of the symbol of Christ who never sinned, but carried the accountability for the sins of all repentant mankind and for Adam’s transgression, upon His own shoulders. It is innocence that has arrived at accountability, and helps us to see more clearly the Saviors greatness and love for us. The child is to be baptized just as they arrive at this razor’s edge of sinlessness and accountability. And for all the faithful, this is the first baptism.

But the Savior has not left it at that, for we read in 3 Nephi 11:37-38, “And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in my name, or ye can in nowise receive these things. And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.”

This cannot be the baptism which is required of a little child at the age of eight, but can only be after the person has lived life for a period of time. It comes after the now adult believes he already knows something, and has become unwilling to receive more. It is after the person has learned a discipline of study, and thinks the gospel should be viewed by the tools of that study and discipline. It is after the person has some regrets about things they have done, or said, or become, or have not done or become. It is after we realize that we have been immersed in the understanding of men, and have become arrogant before God. It is after we have lost those pure joys that came as a child when we learned new things. It is after we have stopped trusting. It is after we no longer will jump into the open and willing arms of a loving father.

It is only after our eyes have been opened, and we have come to the realization that we are not getting anywhere by what we’ve already done. Then we see we need to abandon old ways and begin anew. We need to go back, instead of ploughing ahead, because we have come to realize our direction has been wrong.

D&C 20: 37. “And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism – All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into His church.” (D&C 10: 64-70.)

When we’ve done all this, and come to realize that all are saved on exactly the same principles, we have begun to repent, and the first fruit of repentance is always baptism. (Moroni 8: 25.) We have then come to the appropriate time when baptism is again required. It is now time for the second baptism. This is the baptism 3 Nephi 11: 37-38 is speaking of and pointing to, and without it, “ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.”

This that I write is not complete, for there is a great revelation connected with this subject for anyone that seeks it. This is what should be taught to the people.

May God bless our efforts.

Keith Henderson

Comments or questions for Keith

I received the following comment with questions just this past week, which I desire to publicly respond to:

“Something has been on my mind that I would like to address. It has nothing to do with this website, but I think it has been on some people’s mind.

Denver has repeatedly said that he will not start a new Church, be a strongman, etc…But how limited is that? I am aware, at least with my current understanding, that there needs to be a High Priest/Teacher after the Ancient Order through whom a covenant can be made between God and man, whereby we can receive adoption rites. (Correct me if I am wrong. I am paraphrasing Denver’s teaching on Alma 13: 14 and his interview with Tim Malone).

He has also stated we need to organize ourselves – which to me means we need practical experience and accept the responsibility which we have to rise up and know the Lord ourselves and be led by His Holy Spirit.

It seems many are organizing into small communities to do this. But, Denver has also stated that this cannot be rushed.

So, do you have any advice/knowledge about how and if we are to wait upon Denver to give us further direction? For example, if we should wait to assemble as a consecrated community and continue to prepare ourselves where we currently are?”

End of comment.

Everything following this is my answer to the above query. I would like to emphasize that I do not attempt to speak for Denver. For that you will have to go to the “prophetsclearinghouse.” ~:-)~ Most of what is below is of me, and is said regardless of whether Denver said it or not. I made no effort to find quotes by Denver that would substantiate any of what I said below.

And, furthermore,

I claim no great accomplishment (yet) in doing what I say, if it sounds like an admonition. In fact, I’ve already had a witness of the Spirit in the writing of this that I don’t meet many of the requirements I have written about. So I guess we’ll just have to rely on the Holy Spirit as to whether it’s all true, or not.

Brother R,

Good observations.

Denver said in the [7th & 10th] talks in Grand Junction Colorado and Mesa Arizona, that if you want an education like none other then join or form a fellowship, and pay your tithing among yourselves and help the poor among you. To think that a person is going to walk into Zion unprepared or unschooled in the principles required to exist in such a community is absurd. Zion is not the school, but the place to receive those that have prepared themselves to live in such a place. It is also not the place for the person that rises up to become the leader of his/her fellows, but is the place for those who have developed the ability to be the servant of all.

In this life there are kings and queens and priests and priestesses plenty. What there is a dearth of are those who are willing to carry the load, and will go the 2nd mile when they are required to only go one. Or those who will turn the other cheek to be smitten instead of retaliating. It is the place for those who know they have the physical prowess [if necessary] and/or the argument to win in most any situation, but will always use only persuasion with meekness, love unfeigned, and gentleness in doing so. It requires one to be a whole lot like his/her Lord, Jesus Christ.

What the Lord needs for Zion and also right now in these fellowships of instruction, is one who can “organize himself.” We do not need another institution with an organized hierarchy, and a book full of rules, but “one” who can control himself, and love others as himself. You become that person and watch and see how people will flock to you as their leader. Then it will be your requirement to learn how to handle that imposition without becoming prideful and a strong man.

The Lord needs you to be the one who could be the teacher/priest after The Ancient Order, because you have studied the scriptures, already given, thoroughly enough, and have a close enough relationship with the Savior that you can draw down from Him your own covenant that He trusts you enough to call you Son, and make you part of His family. He needs a man/woman who’s heart is like His own. That is what you will find in Zion.

These fellowships, of which there are now dozens, are not going to walk or be taken by angels into Zion en mass. They are, however, a necessary schooling device wherein a few might rise up, and become capable of living in Zion. And, there is already an existing commandment from God to associate in fellowship with our brothers and sisters. And with our enemies. And with the obnoxious. And with the little kids that run around and make noise. And, for heaven’s sake, with all those “needy” people. This is the school! And the success we make of it [or not] is all dependent on the individual, and whether his heart is right with God.

And furthermore, there is a requirement to be baptized (again) as a result from, and a commitment to, these things, and of coming to understand and remember the “Doctrine of Christ,” which then becomes the gate to that strait and narrow path God requires each of us to walk, hand in hand with Him; doing all things which His Holy Spirit directs of us, until He says to you, “My Son/daughter thou shalt have eternal life. (See D&C 131: 5-6.)

And I think that just as there is God’s requirement upon us to be baptized, there is a requirement upon us to also baptize, if we can. And outside of one’s own immediate family, the man that does this is required to have a certificate that certifies his worthiness, and is a blessing from the women in his fellowship. The signatures of seven women are required now, by an edict from the Lord, for a man to function in any priesthood outside of his immediate familial boundaries; with his own wife’s signature being the first.

So how can any of us consider ourselves candidates for Zion if we can’t meet these current requirements among ourselves in our fellowships, which usually begins with our just showing up.

This requires nothing of us about waiting upon Denver. It does however, require us to be up and about, doing the things God has already said we must do, through this man, in his capacity as “servant of the Lord.”

God bless you brother in your efforts and your desires to be about doing this work the Lord has commanded of us.

Central Recorder

Times up

We have received many names to be recorded for those who have been baptized. We do not think that we have received the names of all those baptized, however.

So far those names which have been received have been stored electronically as well as on a back-up hard copy, but the time has now come for the real work to begin, which is to copy the submissions which have been given to us electronically, plus others that have been hand delivered or phone delivered, into the handwritten book, which will eventually be submitted to the Lord in His holy temple.

We are sure, however, with all the names we have received, that there are many more out there which have not been turned into us. We understand that there may be as many as 1000+ additional names of individuals who have recently been baptized, which have not yet been submitted to the Central Recorder. We would request they be promptly submitted through this website.

The book which will be handwritten with all the names submitted to us, is now in our hands, and the work must begin. So this is a call for the names of all individuals baptized in this order of The Doctrine of Christ, prior to and including the year 2014, be submitted immediately, and no later than July 1, 2015.

On July 1st I will begin transferring all the names submitted for baptisms performed through 2014 into this very special book. These names must be entered alphabetically, which means that if you have not submitted your name by this above stated deadline, it will not be entered into the main body of the entries for your particular year. There will be a provision for an amendment to each year, but again, if you are late on your submission your name will not be entered into the main body of the submissions.

If you cannot account positively for your name having been submitted, then you should take personal responsibility to see that it is done by submitting your name yourself. It will be an easy thing for us to identify and resolve redundancies. What will be impossible for us, will be to record your name into the main body if it is not submitted by the date specified above.

So, let me see if I can drive home the seriousness of what is being done here with a scripture:

Starting in the last part of D&C 85:7 we find spoken of, a person who will come along, and “…set in order the house of God, and arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God.”

And then skipping to verses 9 and 10 in that same section: “And they who are not found written in the book of remembrance shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut asunder, and their portion shall be appointed them among the unbelievers, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. These things I say not of myself; therefore, as the Lord speaketh, he will also fulfill.”

So, of what book does this scripture speak? And do you want to take a chance it is not this one? Many things given before have been renewed again now, and we need to do as the Lord has directed, moving forward in faith.

God bless every one of you engaged in this work. I know it is pleasing to God, because He is the author of it.

Central Recorder
Keith Henderson

Two issues regarding baptism

It has come to my attention that there are some questions, perhaps even action being taken, to change the age of baptism established by the teachings of Christ, by lowering from the age of eight. I have heard there are those who claim the right to lower the age, based on a parent’s discretion, or the superior ability of the child. There was even one case where Johnny, age five, (name changed to protect the “innocent” – pun intended) didn’t want to be left out because all of his siblings were baptized, so the parents just thought they’d try the system and see if they could get his name recorded.

My dear brothers and sisters, have we taken leave of our senses? Do we not read the scriptures? And if so, do we understand them? I will review some of the available scriptures which address this issue. You all can certainly manipulate this submission site into accepting the name of such a child, but why would you want to? We have a system to remove redundancies in which we believe almost all redundancies will be weeded out before the names are hand written into the sacred book. So, if we receive such a child’s name as a single submission in any particular year, it will be written that one time to stand forever in the book. We do not record multiple baptisms for one individual. If you submit a name for the year 2014 and tell us it is a valid baptism, it will be recorded in that year, and never again. You can be baptized as many times as you are prompted, or like, but there is only one necessary recording.

So can you see, if you send us your child’s name, having baptized him or her at an age less than eight, it will be recorded as though it is Ok, although it will be non-scriptural and non-conforming to the requirements established by Christ. We won’t know the difference, but you, and the lord and all the holy angels who look upon this book will. And then if you baptize the child again after they turn eight and re-submit to us the name, it will be discarded as a redundancy, unless you make a special comment that you have repented of the thing originally done, and specifically ask that the name be recorded again. Even at that, the original submission will remain because the only way we will have of changing it will be to draw a line through it, in effect blotting it out. We will not be able to erase.

So please don’t do this!

D&C 18: 42. “For all men must repent and be baptized, and not only men, but women, and children who have arrived at the years of accountability.”

D&C 20: 37. “And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism–All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins,shall be received by baptism into his church.”

I have to ask if the bolded part of this above scripture belongs to our little children?

D&C 68: 25-27. “And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands.” (The Holy Ghost is an issue we will discuss another time.)

Section 22: 4 of the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants is comparable to the above section 68 of our modern day scriptures and says the same thing about the age of baptism for little children. Revelations Notebook #1 kept by Joseph Smith contains the same revelation under the date of 1 Nov, 1831-A. (See Joseph Smith Papers, Revelations and Translations, Vol. 1, p 201.) Some have tried to argue that there are discrepancies between these various sources, but the record does not bear that out. The Lord revealed that little children in our day and time are to be baptized at age eight. So I would think that as Mormon says below, baptizing your little children would be a “gross error” and “solemn mockery” if they are not yet that age at baptism. Please try to remember that this movement and the revelation which was received establishing it is to remember the Restoration began by Joseph Smith, not the dismantling of it.

Moroni 8: 4-12. “And now, my son, I speak unto you concerning that which grieveth me exceedingly; for it grieveth me that there should disputations rise among you. For, if I have learned the truth, there have been disputations among you concerning the baptism of your little children. And now, my son, I desire that ye should labor diligently, that this gross error should be removed from among you; for, for this intent I have written this epistle. For immediately after I had learned these things of you I inquired of the Lord concerning the matter. And the word of the Lord came unto me by the power of the Holy Ghost, saying: Listen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Behold, I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick; wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin; wherefore the curse of Adam is taken from them in me, that it hath no power over them; and the law of circumcision is done away in me. And after this manner did the Holy Ghost manifest the word of God unto me; wherefore, my beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God that ye should baptize little children. Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach–repentance and baptism unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children. And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling of the commandments unto the remission of sins. But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter of persons; for how many little children have died without baptism!”

Now in the words of Jacob, if I didn’t have another issue to discuss with you, we could all go our way and be satisfied that we had covered our topic. But alas, there is another concern:

I know floating out there on the internet is an offer by a woman to baptize others, claiming because of the purity of women, and I suppose she claims particular purity herself, that all women should be able to baptize in this new order of The Doctrine of Christ. My personal opinion is that this is wrong (for now) and I think we should be able to make quick dispatch of the issue by resorting to the comments of Denver Snuffer which he made in the tenth talk.

I, however, do not dispute there may be those women with greater spiritual insight and worthiness and they may have a better general standing in connection with heaven. There is, however, at play here a law, which at this particular time cannot be annulled by men, or women. That law was set at the fall of man and reconfirmed by the Lord recently:

“In my disgust and personal preference, I asked the Lord that priesthood get extended beyond the confines of the men who have continually abused and neglected it. I was told that priesthood is confined to men because of the Fall and the conditions ordained by God at that time. Until we reverse things in the Millennium, that is the way it is going to remain, as to the ordinances thus far given in public. I asked the Lord to change that order. It is not going to change. I then asked the Lord that if only men were to hold priesthood for our public ordinances, then could only women vote to sustain them. The saying pleased the Lord, for it was already in His heart. But he said to me: “There shall be a minimum of seven women to sustain the man in any vote, and if the man is married, his wife shall be one of them.” (Denver Snuffer 10th talk, P.15, Paragraph #4. emphasis mine.)

If I find this becomes a continuing issue I will have my computer assistant add another required field to the submissions which will say something like baptised by; Male__ Female__. I will not be able to record the baptism if the field is marked “Female.”

Of course lying is still an option, if one doesn’t mind having it available for all to see for a thousand years. Can you see that Recording matters, and IT WILL be available for all to see.

Central Recorder
Keith Henderson

Importance of Personal Recording

As you may well now be aware, there is not much individual information which actually gets recorded by the Central Recorder. Now I don’t want to give the idea that I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs, because when I multiply what is recorded for one name by a couple of thousand others, I keep pretty busy. But for each individual there is only recorded here, Last name, middle name, first name, and year baptized, and that’s it. But should that be all that is recorded? For me the answer is yes. For you, the answer is no.

Baptism for most is a very special event.

Many times, it’s a very spiritual event, highlighted by intense feelings of gratitude, love, and a connectivity with heaven. Many times there has been an intense preparation for the occasion. For others, their spouse or beloved children have been left home not caring to partake because of unbelief. There are feelings of elation, grief, sorrow, and gratitude that span a spectrum of many other emotions driven by our individual circumstances.

Special friends have been invited, and there may be a special bond with the baptizer asked to perform the ordinance.

There are many locations where the baptisms are held, which are breathtakingly beautiful, and wonderfully symbolic things have taken place. Perhaps doves have made an appearance, or eagles have flown above, or geese and ducks have made spectacular takeoffs or landings. Some have been baptized in driving rain, and have felt blessed because of it, and for others the weather has cleared miraculously allowing the beauty of the sun to magically appear through thick clouds. Some have broken the ice and have felt an icy death as they were laid under, while yet others were baptized in balmy 103 degree water coming out anew into 20 degree air, brisk and enlivening.

Many times a specific date for our baptism has been chosen, perhaps coinciding with birthdays, solstice, equinox, or other phenomenon, that will forever engrave in our minds the occasion.

Many times instruction has been given which bolsters faith and drives testimony of the occasion. Sometimes there seems a ethereal strangeness because of our traditions which require white clothing, formal witnesses, and full names to be given, when instead we are baptized in cutoffs, wet suits, and various other garb, while at times it is only us and the baptizer, and other times there are dozens to observe; and all the baptizer wants to use as our name is the name we think God would call us if He was speaking directly to us. And to top it off, the prayer is different.

There are these and so many more things no one but ourselves can know about us, and what we feel about this occasion. All of these things should be recorded, and there is no one who can do it justice except you.

And this is not all:

“Now the nature of this ordinance consists in the power of the priesthood, by the revelation of Jesus Christ, wherein it is granted that whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven…or, in other words, taking a different view of the translation, whatsoever you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven…”

“It may seem to some to be a very bold doctrine that we talk of–a power which records or binds on earth and binds in heaven. Nevertheless, in all ages of the world, whenever the Lord has given a dispensation of the priesthood to any man by actual revelation or any set of men, this power has always been given. Hence, whatsoever those men did in authority, in the name of the Lord, and did it truly and faithfully, and kept a proper and faithful record of the same, it became a law on earth and in heaven, and could not be annulled, according to the decrees of the great Jehovah. This is a faithful saying. Who can hear it?”(D&C 128: 8-9.)

What I record will generate a record in heaven binding those names it contains, and the record will be kept in the temple for at least a thousand years where it will be researched by many, and will stand as a testimony to the faith through obedience, of those pioneers who entered the waters of baptism in this age, in accordance with the Doctrine of Christ.

What you record will be a witness containing your testimony and the circumstances of the event to your descendants, and to those others who will stand in awe at your faithfulness. I have no doubt that my record and your record will be combined in heaven as a binding law, which shall never be annulled.

Central Recorder
Keith Henderson

Correspondence & reply

I have been receiving correspondence from several, asking essentially the same question:

“Is it wise to put us under “penalty of law” in order to submit a name? Why not just accept the names that are submitted and leave any judgement in the hands of the Lord? I am also wary of making an oath of honesty.”

“Why the requirement for email addresses, phone numbers, or any contact information at all? The reason I ask is that if you believe there are eternal consequences to not having your name recorded, then wouldn’t you want to be sure that you do not unnecessarily cause someone to “not” submit their name? What if there are people out there who do not submit their name because they do not want to provide their contact information, or because they don’t want to swear an oath?”

My answer in each case has been:

We have all been trammelled because of oaths, etc. However there are some reasons for including the statements we have made and requiring identifying information from those submitting names for themselves and especially for others.

. All the person is attesting to, is that the name is correct to the best of their knowledge and that the work was actually done. We are requiring no allegiance of any kind. This actually amounts to another level of security against the spurious submission of names.

. The internet has created some interesting issues which Joseph Smith never had to deal with. Although the requirements for the name being submitted are minimal, (only the person’s names and year of baptism), there has to be an identifier for the one doing the submitting. In this case the easiest is email and phone number. This is so I can verify I haven’t just received part of the LA phone book as their submission. I suppose if a submitter is really adamant that they not have to give out this information, they can always travel to my address [which is included in this web site], and personally hand me their list. They will then, never really know or not, if their image was caught on surveillance.

. D&C 128: 4 says the following: “Then, let there be a general recorder, to whom these other records can be handed, being attended with certificates over

    their own signatures, certifying that the record they have made is true.

Then the general recorder can enter the record on the general church book, with the certificates and all the attending witnesses, with his own statement, that he verily believes the above statement and records to be true…When this is done, the record shall be just as holy as if he had seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears…”

Before I make my attestation that I believe the above submissions are true and accurate, I want every avenue open to me to convince me that they are, because I am making that statement to someone much higher than myself, who requires me to do my best.

Central Recorder.

Purpose of this Website

Well, we are now up and running. Submissions of individuals names, baptized or re-baptized in the Doctrine of Christ may be made on this site. To do so, simply click on the SUBMISSIONS link above or click here and follow the instructions.

It is not the intent of this site to retain in long time storage, the names collected here. This is to be an enabling tool for the Central Recorder.

Each year, when the collection of names for those baptized that year is complete, the recorder will transfer those names into a special book via handwriting with special archival ink. This book will be preserved and eventually placed in the temple which will be built, where it will be maintained throughout the Millennium.

As often as required there will be messages placed here, primarily in answer to questions posed by submitting recorders. These messages will be designed to help expedite the work and clarify issues which may be presenting problems.

May God bless us all in moving this work forward.

Keith Henderson
Central Recorder