Furthermore, besides the history which it would seem the claimants of the receipt of the sealed plates got wrong, and the little (make that no) work or effort those claimants went through to get them, (see blog post May 10, 2018. Denver Snuffer.) it would seem to me there are other things to be considered.
By the time Joseph Smith received the plates promised him by the resurrected angel Nephi, four more years of personal preparation had gone into being prepared and deemed trustworthy by the powers of heaven to deal with the information which they would transmit to him through those plates and personal revelation they would give him attending to issues therein.
In the economy of the Lord another has now been in process of being prepared for the receipt of items and knowledge which will continue the Restoration which was begun through Joseph. This man began delivering information given him by Jesus Christ in 2005 and since that time the pace has progressively increased to the point that today there is a covenant group of people actively contemplating the establishment of Zion.
This man – Denver Snuffer – has been consistently revealing God’s words of required repentance, increasing our knowledge of how God deals with man, and the beauties and simplicity of Christ’s Gospel, through series of lectures, written books, written papers on many vital topics, personal examples of sacrifice, and a single minded commitment to God and His work.
He has gained our trust through consistency and untiring work trying to teach us not to be like him, but to surpass that and be like Jesus Christ. He has gained no monetary value from the work he has performed. He has been the greatest promoter of the virtue and the works of Joseph Smith Jr. helping us to understand that before a restoration can continue after a long hiatus, what went before must also be understood.
Where are there any others who can rival the trust we can all have in God’s choice of Denver Snuffer as the servant He has chosen to be His mouthpiece, as He continues the restoration? Where is their consistency over the past 13 years? Did they speak truths at the very first of their calling which they hardly understood, which are now being fleshed out in added glory?
Why would God choose this group in Brazil to deliver these precious plates to, by the hand of Moroni/Nephi when they can’t even tell correctly who delivered them? Where is their personal preparation? What have they done? Where is the group they have prepared with God’s word? Where will their Zion be? Brazil?
I shudder to think that these people probably did have a messenger who called himself Moroni, who did deliver a set of plates of some kind with some kind of content on them. I shudder that others are leaving their salvation to follow such things. But even Lehi followed a man dressed in white for hours through a dark and dreary wilderness. But then he prayed.
As for us, we will wait for those real plates to be given through a trusted messenger, and in the meantime we will, with relish, savor many of the teachings in those very plates given by the mercy and generosity of God through that same trusted messenger, as God tries us, and prepares us for what is still to come. If we can only believe, there will not be many great surprises when we finally get our individual chance to check that precious volume out of the Temple treasury and see with our own eyes, that which we already know through the Record of Heaven.
Keith Henderson