Due to a problem within www.recordersclearinghouse.com, which may very well have occured because of my own ineptness in using computers, we have determined, what for us, will be an easy fix.
From now on after being baptized it will only be necessary for the baptized or their baptizer to send an email to keelhenderson42@gmail.com stating the baptism has taken place and including the full name of those baptized and the year in which it took place. A return email will then be sent by me indicating receipt.
This process can also be followed at www.recordersclearinghouse.com by clicking on the Name Submissions page and following the same instruction given there.
We would like those who have been baptized since October 1, 2022 to resubmit their names and year as per these instructions.
Please disseminate this change as widely as possible to any you might know who you think will need this information, but probably won’t get it from the email or from this post.
Keith Henderson