Declaration of the signees
A Declaration
Concerning The Lord’s Assignment To Us
To Write, Adopt, And Add A Statement Of Principles To The Scriptures ______________________
It is necessary for us, part of the Lord’s covenant people, to make known in writing our united sentiments regarding the months-long effort to write, adopt, and add to our scriptures a statement of principles, as has been required of us by the Lord. And whereas there exists no other suitable or meaningful medium for the silent majority of God’s people to make their voices known, we hereby proclaim our belief concerning said effort, and extend an invitation. This Declaration shall be added to the historical record which is kept among the people of God.
We believe the Lord requires us to add a statement of principles as a guide and standard to our scriptures. Just as the Lord required two specific sections to be “added” to the scriptures in the Answer and Covenant, noting that these additions would make the scriptural record acceptable, he also said concerning the statement of principles, “I require it to also be added as a guide and standard for my people to follow.” This clearly requires the statement be added to the published scriptures, as were the other two required additions.
We have, therefore, on more than one occasion, nearly unanimously agreed to a statement of principles that the scripture committee has chosen not to publish, thereby preventing the final step of the assignment from being completed. Recently, the same committee has said publicly that it now has no intention of publishing a statement of principles in our scriptures until such a time as “everyone wants to reprint the scriptures with a Guide and Standard as a permanent addendum.”
The Lord said, “Remember there are others who know nothing, as yet, of my work now underway, and therefore the guide and standard is to bless, benefit and inform them.” We believe a failure to publish a guide and standard that has been adopted by the mutual agreement of the people, cannot bless, benefit or inform others who know nothing of the Lord’s work, as it will not be readily available to those who purchase our scriptures.
The Lord also said, “it was a light thing I have asked…if your hearts were right and you prepared yourselves you could have finished this work long ago.” We believe those who say we are acting in haste misunderstand the Lord’s words and the assignment given to us.
Let this Declaration stand as a witness that we, as covenant people of the Lord, interpret the Lord’s instructions to us differently than do those who have prevented the accomplishment of this assignment. While some, including the scripture committee, do not consider it necessary to add to the scriptures a statement of principles by publication, we do consider it necessary, and have repeatedly attempted to pursue that end.
Therefore, as there has been, on more than one occasion, public demonstration that the preponderance of God’s people have voted to be mutually agreeable, and have attempted to publish a statement of principles as a guide and standard;
And whereas there remains to be seen any meaningful scriptural objection from anyone as to the content of the Lots Guide and Standard document, which has been agreed upon by a vast majority of the Lord’s covenant people;
And whereas the scripture committee currently chooses a course of inaction regarding the publication of previously agreed upon statements of principles, thereby preventing both an outcome consistent with the voice of the Lord’s people and the fulfillment of the Lord’s assignment to us;
We the people declare our written witness and affidavit before God, angels and men, that we have made a faithful effort to comply with the requirements of the Lord to us.
We now humbly request that the scripture committee, who for the present time, by virtue of a copyright, has control over decisions concerning the published contents of our scriptures, add the Lots Guide and Standard document to the scriptures by publication. If the committee chooses not to comply with the voice of the people, either because of the relentless opposition and disputation of some individuals, or because of their own private prejudices, then it shall be recorded it was they, and not the undersigned people of God, who chose thusly.
Some few may continue to choose opposition and disputation rather than unity. The confluence of disputation on one hand, and inaction on the other, have heretofore curtailed the completion of the assignment we’ve been given. We love, support and respect our brothers and sisters who may disagree with the voice of the majority and do not consider our difference of opinion in any way an act of severance, nor an intention to remove either ourselves or anyone else from our general fellowship. We recognize and are grateful for the sacrifice and labor of the scripture committee to produce our Restoration Edition of the scriptures. We invite all to stand with us in our weakness as a show of love and reciprocation as we attempt to accomplish the Lord’s requirements to us.
We remain a covenant people united in our determination to keep all of God’s commandments to His people, who choose kindness rather than disputation, and who are mutually agreeable with regards to this assignment. We desire to be faithful to the Lord by accomplishing all that he has asked or may yet ask of us.
Signed, beginning this day, April 6, 2018.
If you would like to add your name to this list of signees please contact Matt Lohmeier at
Susie Aagard
Gary Barlow
Kimberly Barlow
Nephi Barlow
Marv Bateman
Sharman Bateman
Shuree Bawden
Stephen Bawden
Russell Baxter
Aaron Bishop
Margaret Brough
Glen T. Cella
Mary Jane Cella
Meghan A. Cella
A. Maks Cella
Rick Cromar
Jeanene Custer
Lark Cyr
Christy Danner
Donald Danner
Erin Dippold
Jonathan Dippold
Vern Eastley
Anastasia England
Andrew England
James Fargo
Heidi Fargo
Derek Fausett
Devin Fausett
Krista Fausett
Terry Fausett
Mellody Fausett
Laura Fenn
Hi Gibson
Keith Henderson
Elaine Henderson
Jack Hinkle
Robert Hone
Jeremy Hoop
Whitney Horning
Vernon Horning
Enoch Horning
Mark Hudson
Jill Hudson
Janie Hudson
Jack Hudson
Ken Jensen
McKaye Johnson
Brandon Johnson
Brandon A. Johnson
Dianne Johnson
Robert Johnson
Sierra Kelsch
Sterling Kelsch
Adrian Larsen
Jennifer Lohmeier
Matthew Lohmeier
Sara Lohmeier
M. Lauren Luttrull
Tim Malone
Lynne McKinley
Christian Meyer
Julie Meyer
Sharene Morley
Spencer Morley
Jackson Naegle
Louis Naegle
rachel Naegle
Jim O’Rullian
Angela O’Rullian
Bonnie Parkinson
John P. Pratt
Phillip Redd
April Roundy
Jon Sanders
Tina Sanders
Dauna Sandmire
Blain Saunders
Christina Saunders
Karen Stella
Kirk Strong
Karen Strong
McKenzie Strong
McKelle Strong
McKessa Strong
McKyla Strong
Brian Van Leer
Kimberly D. Van Leer
Linda Van Leer
Steve Van Leer
Kevin White
Angela White
Bethany White
John Webster
John Webster, Jr.
Kay Webster
Sarah Webster
Virginia Wegner
Alexandria Wilkes
Dallon Wilkes
Rebecca Wolford
Sarah Wright